How Your Solar System Works
With all of the unlimited clean energy that the sun offers, how exactly can we capture it in order to bring electricity into our homes?
The sun generates photons, which are particles of light. Through sunlight, the photons come into contact with the solar panels surface and its photovoltaic cells.
This results in the separation of electrons from atoms which generates electricity. Our microinverter then converts the electrons (which is a direct current) into an alternating current. This same current is used by the power grid to provide your home’s daily energy supply.
Solar panels (also known as photovoltaic panels) are the most vital of all the solar power components. Residential solar panels consist on average of 60 solar cells, while most commercial solar panels contain 72 solar cells. These panels collect and convert the light from the sun into electrical energy.
Solar panels (also known as photovoltaic panels) are the most vital of all the solar power components. Residential solar panels consist on average of 60 solar cells, while most commercial solar panels contain 72 solar cells. These panels collect and convert the light from the sun into electrical energy.
Flashing is an essential part of a roofing system. Its role is to keep your roof airtight and waterproof by sealing up places that are vulnerable to water. This includes any joints, edges or gaps. If these areas are not sealed properly, moisture and water can seep in, causing severe damage to the home.
Rooftop solar panel systems will have racking and mounting equipment, which hold the solar panels stationary on your roof. Their design is essential to ensure the panels get maximum sunlight while at the same time withstanding the elements for years to come.